Finding a Keeper, Dating advice for men

Finding a Keeper, Dating advice for men

Excerpt from upcoming book:

“Find Her Keep Her – The Ultimate Guide To Finding, Dating, and Keeping The Woman Of Your Dreams”


Finding A Keeper

Women are everywhere, but some places are easier to make contact than others. The hairdressers is definitely out for most women –  they feel disadvantaged with their hair in rollers and most will not want to know you.

Work is not always the most satisfactory venue either–especially if she is career oriented. However, there are a few viewpoints here. One is that the slow burn of being able to get to know someone in a work environment without the pressure of dating, can actually make everyone more comfortable and their true colours are more visible. And of course the other view point is that you are all there to work, not to socialise or flirt or pick up.

If you are not keen on the heavy drinker or pub type of person, pubs and most wine bars are out too. Nor the type who spends most of her evenings at nightclubs. Forget nightclubs. People are not relaxed at nightclubs, and it is not always easy to make yourself heard. Women generally always go to nightclubs in groups of friends, and whilst getting the attention of men is one of their goals of the evening, having a few cocktails, gossiping, giggling and dancing is more what they are going there to do. It does not mean this is not an opportunity to meet someone, but why do much more work than is necessary. If you are successful in getting an e-mail address or phone number, then do just that. Message her in a couple of days and suggest a casual meet up for coffee or snack.

Both men and women look for members of the opposite sex in places where it is the least easy to select. Why, because it is commonly believed that more is better. There will be a wider selection at the nightclub, at parties or at the pub. For a one night stand, yes. People are drinking, relaxed and in the mood for being picked up or picking up. Over 80% of those people, who went looking in the places mentioned we’ll go home empty handed and, unfortunately three quarters of those who did make someone will discover afterwards that there’s was an unsuitable choice. That leaves a 4% success rate at the most obvious place to meet others. Scary isn’t it? Where then does one go about meeting that someone special?

The following list shows the most reliable places in order of priority, where you will meet your special lady. You may not believe this at first, but by the time you read more of what I have to say in later chapters in the book and posts on here, I am sure you will be convinced.

Suggested “Pick-Up Joints”

Dead Certs

Political party meetings

Dancing classes

Cooking classes

Other classes of interest to women

All sporting clubs where women participate

All sporting clubs where the children of women participate

Singles clubs

Thanks to the Internet, joining a few relevant clubs that are aligned to your interests and thereby be able to prospect the Dead Certs there has become dead easy.

Websites like have thousands of groups broken down by interest and locality listed on their site. Specific interests are catered for in every case, so it is now possible you can discover your true love while attending 19th century postage stamp collecting meetings. Don’t let these golden opportunities slip away. Get online and get involved. Most are free to join! Be creative and search for the interest groups that have a high female participation.

Fair chance

Dinner parties

First nights at plays and concerts (attended regularly)

Speed Dating (you know their single and looking)



The local laundromat

Fashion parades and events

The supermarket (usually she is too busy to stop and talk – try the bananas in the trolley trick on a Tuesday – google it!)

On the beach



Wine bars


Female fashion stores, especially at sale times

The list is endless. Take these suggestions and make your own list. Add other possibilities and cross off the places that you are never likely to venture, but not before reading on.


You may have noticed that meeting via online methods, be it via computer Internet or mobile app, is not mentioned above, apart from This is because when you get down to it this is not really ‘meeting’. I know it’s a long bow to draw and is certainly open to one’s interpretation, but for our purpose here we shall referred to an online introduction as merely that. It gets its own chapter later on, for it is a world unto itself, and rules that apply in the real world have no sense or meaning in the cyber universe.

You must give it respect as a genuine medium of approach in your pursuit of the one and not rule it out as being ‘not the real thing’ or not the way it’s supposed to happen or something only the young ones do. We will definitely afford it the respect it commands around here, for it is becoming more and more a common way for people to ‘meet’ and just might be the way you unlock the gates into the romantic castle where your Princess dwells. Do it right, and you can find yourself front and centre position in the realm of dead certs, still in your pyjamas and never leaving your armchair!

Remember always, the priority is to convert these cyber meetings into real meetings and dates. Leave the pen-pal style continuous emailing and messaging relationships to the other chumps. In short though, being online is a must to be increasing your dating odds.

 Next: Target Your Market